Start with feet shoulder width apart, arms to your side with weights and palms facing forwards. Bend your elbow, bringing the weight towards your shoulders. Stop right before the weight touches your shoulders, and then using a controlled motion, lower the weight back down to your sides. If you are leaning back and trying to thrust the weights up, use a lower weight! This is not an effective motion, and you can hurt yourself.
Empty Can Raise
watch this guy, start at the 50 second mark
Jumping Drill:
Start at the O, the cones should be ~2 huge steps away from you (Left, Diagonal (D) Left, Center, D-Right, and Right). ALWAYS FACE FORWARD! Jump to the left then back to start, jump to d-left, back to start, jump to center, back to start, jump to d-right, back to start, jump to right, back to start. Then go in the reverse order.
Lat Pulldowns
A machine in which you pull a bar from straight overhead, down to your chest. Do not lean back to pull down heavier weights!
Seated Rows
Sometimes attached to the lat pulldown machine. Pull the handles from straight in front of you, to your sides. You can use either grip (hands gripping vertically or horizontally).
Shoulder Press
start with feet shoulder width apart, weights in your hands. Begin with palms facing forward, weights at your shoulders then "press" the weights all the way up towards the ceiling. Make sure your arms are fully extended (straight) at the end of the press and that they are not too far forward or back. Keep them in the plane of your body (think about your shoulders touching your ears, this should keep everything aligned).
Lat Pulldowns
A machine in which you pull a bar from straight overhead, down to your chest. Do not lean back to pull down heavier weights!
Seated Rows
Sometimes attached to the lat pulldown machine. Pull the handles from straight in front of you, to your sides. You can use either grip (hands gripping vertically or horizontally).
Shoulder Press
start with feet shoulder width apart, weights in your hands. Begin with palms facing forward, weights at your shoulders then "press" the weights all the way up towards the ceiling. Make sure your arms are fully extended (straight) at the end of the press and that they are not too far forward or back. Keep them in the plane of your body (think about your shoulders touching your ears, this should keep everything aligned).